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Transparency and information access are two essential conditions for the running of a democratic system, which have to balance with the individual privacy right and confidentiality of specific information, justified by economic and collective safety reasons.

We consider that information access should be a civic right since it makes possible the personal development of individuals and allows them to take part, at their full capability, in collective affairs management, as well as to control the decisions of political representatives and public administrators. Consequently, we are committed to:

Achieve that transparency becomes a proactive duty to inform, and a usual practice within public administrations and entities involved.
All economic internal information of Public Administrations has to be published so it can be consulted in a simple way by citizenry.
Guaranteeing the citizens right to the full access, in an open, simple and free way, to any sort of information, data, and documentation, generated in projects which have been publicly subsidized, always respecting privacy and private data protection. Knowledge generated by public funds must be open and for everyone.
Disclosing elected officials wealth both before elections and during the term of office. Also publishing regular reports of their activities as politicians, by detailing consultations and meetings held by them, as well as both justification and outcomes of such activities.
Claiming the full transparency concerning economic activity of political parties, that is, detailed information of both income sources and expenses.
Transparency exceptions, because of privacy rights, national safety, precautionary measures and fight against crime, etc., must be clearly listed and determined, without letting administrations nor organizations which have to provide such information, to decide about its corresponding interpretations.
Guaranteeing privacy and confidentiality of the information about persons and organisms, because of intimacy right or economic reasons, established by law, particularly before new ICT, growing data bases, and electronic surveillance systems existing in our society. In the case of people having public functions, this principle is subordinate to the aforementioned transparency principles.
Overall, making accessible all the non-sensitive information, of interest to citizenry, in a public manner through the Internet, and promoting creation of tools which add value, provide additional informations or improve its visualization.
Fostering tecnological infrastructure saving, by means of open source software, which guarantees safety in the personal data treatment and, on the other hand, will promote the creation of companies dedicated to supporting them.

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2013/07/21 17:37 (external edit)