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Proposals for a Change of the CEEP Athens Version

These proposals will be voted upon on the Mumble Conference on the 18./19./20.11.2013 starting everyday at 20:00 CET in the German NRW-Mumble Room PPEU. When we have finished working our way through the proposals, the Conference will be over. All parties are invited to send delegates there to speak for their parties and any other interested pirates may also attend.

1. PP-CZ on Refugee Policy

Add the following text to the CEEP:

PIRATES propose a fundamental reform of the EU-policy on refugees and asylum. The European approach must be based on the acknowledgement of human rights and fully respect the Geneva Convention on Refugees and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

All member-states should be equally willing to accept refugees and asylum-seekers according to their financial capacity. No individual member-state should be left alone with the financial, logistic and administrative burden; European solidarity is called for instead.

EU-neigbourhood-policy and EU-development policy should be geared towards lasting improvement of living conditions and focus on the promotion of human rights in all partner countries and regions. We denounce all tendencies to create a repressive apparatus of survey and control in Europe.


The text is a slightly changed version from the German proposal on the subject. We've changed some parts ( Take a look here to compare the versions) for the following reasons:

  • we'd like to withdraw from that “command” tone; expressions like must or unacceptable are too binding and it can't make it through our board in the approval process in such way
  • “capacity” is a broad term; we need in this case some specification, otherwise it gives a space for own - and sometimes negative - interpretation
  • last, the Frontex. It's an unkown issue in the Czech republic therefore it seems really unnecessary in the common program; plus it's only a statement - it doesn't offer solution or way; and there was even an opinion that this statement without proof or explanation might seem falsely - and though we believe you what is Frontex like, we can't afford such baseless (in the program!) statements

2. PP-CZ on the Preamble

Change the Preamble like this:


Today's European Union as a supranational institution is a project of its member states rather than of its citizens. PIRATES hold are of the opinion that the future of Europe ought to be organised in the common interests of all European citizens, as well as the interests of member states. Therefore all PIRATES in the European Union have adopted this election programme and strive together to make our vision of the European Union reality. The democratic deficit within the European Union has existed since the beginning and has not been sufficiently been addressed in the course of the integration process. An important goal of all PIRATES will be to fix this and to build a solid democratic foundation for the European Union. In order to achieve that this goal it will be crucial to design political processes that are more citizen friendly and to encourage the development of a common European cultural space while protecting existing cultures.

The EU should live up to its own principles on subsidiarity and decisions should not be taken at an EU level if they can be better resolved on a national, regional or local level. Political decisions at the European level need to be preceded by Europe-wide debates - allowing for adequate participation of all. Without equal, non-discriminating communication, adequate participation will cannot come into existence; hence, no proper decisions representing the general public interest may should be taken. The internet as a new sphere of communication offers tremendous opportunities, providing the possibility for political development, helping to overcome political top-down, one-way communication, and breaking the dominance of the mass media. PIRATES will therefore defend the freedom of the internet with fierce determination at the European level as well as on the global scale.


  • Just grammatical corrections. We'd like to ask PPUK to look further into the whole text of the programme (if you haven't already done so).
  • Common European space is enough

Change the text on Copyright in the following way:


We, the European Pirates, want a fair and balanced copyright law based on the interests of society as a whole.

We strive for abolition of information monopolies. Information monopolies prevent people from sharing and using information. The politicians have given in to a series of information monopolies that supposedly motivate creators, inventors and producers to be more active. In reality though, the only ones benefiting from beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations whereas the market as a whole is failing suffering (bullying of the collective societies, patent wars, etc. orphan works). Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with the freedom of information.

We therefore demand that copying, providing access to, storing and using literary and artistic production for non-commercial purposes must not just only be legalised but also protected by law and actively promoted to improve the public availability of information, knowledge and culture; because this is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be restored to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions which that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation.

The internet as a communicative space knows no borders. PIRATES consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods within the European internal market as a hindrance for to the European integration process and demand their abolishment. Overall, a change of approach is required in the area of rights to immaterial goods and their restrictive enforcement. Further monopolies in the sectors of information and culture have to be prevented. By law, the state should only allow or maintain monopoly rights for immaterial goods if these are not conflicting with the general interest. Any monopoly-rights must be temporarily limited; neither their time-span nor their scope may be enlarged retrospectively.

The creation of so-called “commons”, such as free software, free cultural goods, open patent pools and free, open education must be promoted and legally protected.

Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by rights to immaterial goods. “Fair-Use Regulations” will ensure that. We demand European standards for copyright contracts to strengthen the position of creators versus processing and collecting entities and to create a balance in the interest of the general public.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency and fair participatory rights for their members.


  • Just grammatical corrections. We'd like to ask PPUK to look further into the whole text of the programme (if you haven't already done so).
  • Explain or cross out the orphan works, it's not sure, what is the problem
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2013/11/15 22:05 by lunaloof