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This work group would go nowhere without the efforts of so many individuals. In this table we collect the various skills of the people working in the PP-EU program group. Especially people with skills in uncommon languages plus English, I am looking eastwards, and I do not mean Saxony, are much appreciated. And yes, German and English are covered. :)

The skills can be languages (Read/Write/Talk), academic expertise or education (law degree, politics), or any other aspects of value to this group. Since English is the working language in this group English is a required skill and not explicitly mentioned.

If you are ok with your contact details being published please update them or let us know.

Name Contact Skills Degree (opt.)
korbinian German
Phi95Bou PB95[at]live.deGerman,English (B2),Photoshop,(HTML,CSS)
robotica robotica[at] Italian, English, web master and computer programmer Computer Science, Master Communication&Marketing
luciana luciana[at] robotica.itItalian, English, Romanian, work experience economist - financialManagement degree
Evpok loic.grobol[at] French, Programming, Automatic Text Analysis Master Natural Language Processing and Communication/Mathematics
polnetz netz[at] French, German, English, Journalism Philosophy, Sociology
pakki @pschiffer, patrick.schiffer[at] German, English, French, Dutch Project Management Online, European history, Design
Martina @LunaLoof German, French (reading), work experience in European agriculture subsidies administration Law degree, Master European & International Law
krishna krishna[at] German, Italian, Spanish
Venanzio venanzio.basso[at] German, Italian, English, French, Specialist Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk (CCI)
kissand giorgos[at] Greek, English, IT
Azrael s.ogden[at] English, IT, Education, Technology BSc (hons) Molecular & Cellular Biology, MSc Computing Science
Squig roemeth[at]  German, English, Dutch, I can navigate websites in almost every germanic, romance or (non-cyrillic) slavic language  BA in history & Business, MA in Euroculture (in progress)
Muriel muriel[at] Catalan, English, Spanish
Ansis ansis.malins[at] Latvian, Russian, programming Computer Science
Exception stefan.thoeni[at] German, Programming Computer Science
awk awkorama[at] Slovak, Czech, Programming Artificial intelligence
rainer rainerleo[at] German, English, French, entrepreneur, community and organisation builder, facilitator, artist of hosting, social innovator Political Economy, Developmental psychology
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2013/07/21 19:12 by