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13 Financial Regulations of PPEU

13 Financial Regulations of PPEU

Structure and Bodies of the European Green Party
6.5 Committee
6.5.1 The Committee is responsible for the day to day management of the European Green Party, its finances and the execution of decisions of the Council.
The Finance Advisory Board (FAB)
7.1 The Council shall elect a Finance Advisory Board of 3 persons to work with the Treasurer and the Committee to supervise the financial management of the European Green Party, including its accountability and financial transparency and to give advice to the Council and the Committee of the European Green Party as well as to its Members on these matters.
The Board shall also report to Council annually on whether the European Green Party has acted in accordance with the Statutes and Rule Book.
7.2 The composition of and regulations for the Finance Advisory Board are further defined in the Rule Book.
Rule Book:
Article 6 Membership Evaluation and Review
6.5 Disciplinary Measures
6.5.5 In the case of non-payment of Membership Fees, the Committee, acting on the advice of the Treasurer, is authorised to withdraw voting rights of that Member prior to the opening of each voting session at the Council.
Article 7 Composition and powers
7.4 The Council:
• approves the annual Activities plan and budget, reports and accounts and financial regulations after hearing the Finance Advisory Board;
III Congress
Article 12 Composition and powers
12.5 The European Green Party shall make provisions over a 5 year period in the budget to be able to organise a Congress. The amount of money allocated to the Congress budget shall stay reserved for the purpose of enabling the organisation of a Congress until a Congress is convened by the Council.
12.6 If Council decides to call for an extra Congress the Members shall contribute to the extra costs incurred for the Congress.
Article 17 Co-Chair
17.2 The Co-Chairs shall:
• liaise with the Secretary-General and Treasurer regarding day-to-day events;
• liaise with the Secretary-General and Treasurer regarding planning and running of Committee meetings, Council meetings and Congress;
Article 18 Treasurer
18.1 The main focus of this function is to supervise the budget and the accounts and to exercise financial control. Furthermore the Treasurer, together with the Secretary-General, is responsible for the grant application to the European Parliament and the implementation and execution of the financial rules. The Treasurer will initiate ways to enlarge the financial means of the European Green Party. The Treasurer will initiate and monitor financial protocols to ensure the openness and transparency that characterises a Green Party and that supports Green political goals.
18.2 The Treasurer shall:
• be responsible for the budget and the accounts of the European Green Party. These shall be presented to the Committee, the Finance Advisory Board, the Treasurers' Group and the European Green Party Council;
• determine the yearly membership fees and present this proposal to the Committee, the Finance Advisory Board, the Treasurers' Group and the Council;
• prepare the budget follow-up three times a year and inform the Committee and the Finance Advisory Board;
• supervise joint project budgets with the Green Group in the European Parliament;
• follow-up on financial rules, e.g. reimbursements, criteria for membership fees, to be adopted by the Committee or the Council;
• present expenses to the Committee for decision. Between Committee meetings, decide on expenses together with the Secretary-General and any Committee members concerned;
• monitor the financial developments, protocols and financial transparency in the member parties;
• where possible develop new sources of income.
Article 20 Allowances for Committee Members
20.1 The European Green Party Committee members (with the exception of the Secretary-General) are entitled to a per diem allowance up to a maximum of 40 calendar days a year or up to a
maximum of 60 days per year for the Co-Chairs and the Treasurer.
The European Green Party Committee members are free to decline the per diem allowance. The per diem allowance is subject to taxes in the State where the Committee member resides.
20.2 The per diem allowance is meant to cover participation in the following meetings:
• European Green Party Council and Committee meetings and other meetings organised by the European Green Party;
• Global Greens meetings;
• Party Congresses and meetings of Members;
• Fact finding missions;
• coordination and management of working group and networks;
• meetings with the Secretary-General and office staff on European Green Party projects;
• participation in other events authorised by the Committee.
20.3 In addition to the per diem allowance, Committee members are entitled to reimbursement for their costs for travel, accommodation and daily subsistence costs when travelling, in accordance with the European Green Party reimbursement rules. Further costs for the use of mobile devices will be reimbursed to a maximum amount per month.
20.4 Details of the annual amount of the per diem and other allowances are contained in Annex M. This annex may be amended at the same time as the adoption of the annual budget.
V Financial Regulations
Article 21 Finance Advisory Board
21.1 The purpose of the Finance Advisory Board (FAB) is to support the Treasurer of the European Green Party and the Committee as a whole on all matters concerning the budget as well as operational issues. The FAB is elected according to the rules for the election of bodies for a period of three years.
21.2 The FAB will consist of three members.
21.3 The FAB shall receive all agendas/minutes/documents of the Committee meetings and is invited to the yearly budgetary discussion at the Committee meeting.
21.4 The FAB can be asked for advice on all financial matters of the European Green Party and the FAB is invited to advise the Treasurer and the Committee unsolicited. The FAB shall equally be consulted on all matters that influence the budget of the European Green Party, such as finding new ways to enlarge the budget for the European Green Party and to broaden inter-party support mechanisms. Members of the FAB will assist the Treasurer at Council meetings where the budget is discussed.
21.5 All executive rules can be found in :
• Annex C - Criteria for Membership fees;
• Annex J - Reimbursement Guidelines for EGP Council and Congress;
• Annex K - Financial Guidelines for Working Groups and Networks;
• Annex L - Overview of the Travel Reimbursement Rules.
Article 32 The financial year of the association shall run from 1 January to 31 December of the same year.
Article 33 At the end of each financial year, the Bureau shall adopt the annual accounts for the past financial year and the budget for the next year in the manner provided for by law and shall then submit them annually for approval by the general assembly.
After approval of the annual accounts and the budget, the general assembly shall vote separately on granting discharge to the members of the bureau and, if appropriate, the auditor(s) if any have been appointed.
At least eight days before the annual general assembly, the accounts and budget shall be communicated to the members of the general assembly, who may then ask to inspect, without removal, any of the documents on which these accounts and budgets are based.
A surplus shall be added to the assets of the association and may not under any circumstances be paid to the members as a dividend or in any other way.
The Bureau shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are deposited within thirty (30) days of approval at the Registry of the Court of First Instance or, if the law so requires, the National Bank of Belgium.
Article 34 If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the Law on Not-for-profit Associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the general assembly from among the members of the Institute of Company Auditors.
The general assembly shall determine the number of auditors and their remuneration. The auditors shall be appointed for a renewable term of three years.
The auditors shall jointly or severally have an unlimited right to scrutinise any transactions of the association. They may inspect on the premises the books, correspondence, minutes and generally any documents of the association.
Rules of Internal Order:
The Federation is financed by membership fees, donations and other contributions. The Treasurer, in agreement with the Bureau, drafts the budget that must be approved by the General Assembly. The Bureau is responsible for the sound financial management of the Federation.
The accounts of the Federation are to be audited annually.

Member parties who do not meet their financial commitments will lose all voting rights.
Members must pay their annual contribution between the first of January and the date of the General Assembly of each year.
(a) Allowances
The allowances for the EFA missions are payable to EFA staff, to the EFA President and to the EFA members of the Bureau. Allowances can be payable in the event of participation in EFA official missions, meetings, and similar activities. The allowances constitute the normal use of EFA and are designated to compensate the living costs during the mission. The amount agreed by the EFA Bureau is €65 per day of mission.
(b) Daily management
The Bureau can take any necessary decision concerning the financial management of the EFA in order to facilitate the daily work of EFA staff.
© Reimbursements
The EFA will only reimburse the travel costs or accommodation costs or other costs relating to each meeting under presentation of original receipts and tickets. The original tickets/receipts for any event, including the General Assembly, must by send to the EFA office before the last day of February of the year after the event. After that date, no reimbursement may be requested.
(d) Prohibition of funding:
In accordance withRegulation (EC) No. 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4th November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding (stating that, the funding of political parties at European level from the general budget of the European Union or from any political parties, which shall continue to be governed by national rules) EFA shall not fund directly or indirectly political parties that are members of the federation, nor the Political Foundation linked to EFA.
(e) Co-organised projects:
The EFA may co-organise and co-host events or publications or other projects with the EFA parties. The general principle is that the contribution of the EFA to that event will be limited to the contribution of each member and will not be higher than the 50% of the total costs of the event. The final amount to be provided to the event is to be decided by the Bureau. For this decision, the political objectives and the activity programme of EFA will be taken into consideration.
(f) Rules on co-organised and co-financing projects:
- The party applying for co-financing needs to send its application to the EFA secretariat four (4) months before the date planned for the event. It should table a description of the project, indicating the objectives, methods and budget. The parties are invited to use the EFA official form.
- A document with the agreement on co-financing including a short description of the project is to be accepted and signed by all the parts.

- The distribution of the resources will be done as equally as possibly between all the projects tabled by the EFA members, taking into account the resources available and the amount of requests.
- An official invoice with all the original tickets/receipts has to be the sent to the EFA secretariat for the payment.
- The proposed activities shall respect the objectives of the EFA and its political goals.
(g) Visibility of the financing of the European Parliament:
- The visibility of the financing of the European Parliament must be guarantied in every publication, leaflet and/or product concerning the activity programme as requested in the Convention annually signed between the EFA and the European Parliament.
- Every publication, leaflet and/or product destined for the public must indicate that it has been financed with the support of the European Parliament. It is also necessary to clearly indicate that the communication/publication engages only its author and that the European Parliament is not responsible for the use which could be made of the information contained in the communication or publication.
- The EFA bases its financial rules on the Regulation (EC) No. 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4th November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding as well as all the legislative measures provided for in this Regulation.

ARTICLE 10: Amendments to the Rules of Internal Order
The Rules of Internal Order may be amended by the General Assembly. Proposed amendments must be sent to the Bureau which shall forward them, with its opinion, to the General Assembly.
Amendments to the Rules of Internal Order must be adopted by a majority of the full members.
EL3. The Finances of the EL
Article 23
The EL is financing itself by membership fees, contributions and public subsidies.
The Executive Board approves the budget, as proposed by the Treasurer after its adoption in the meeting of treasurers of the member parties. The budget has to be prepared and approved in accordance with the regulations and rules regarding the funding of the political parties on European level.
PESArticle 34 – The Secretariat
34.1. The secretariat shall execute the decisions of the PES. In particular, it shall be responsible for:
● finances and the keeping of accounts;
Article 37 – Financing of the PES

37.1. The PES shall be financed by:
● the general budget of the EU in conformity with the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding;
● membership fees;
● contributions from members or other organisations or individuals;
● donations.
37.2. Membership fees, contributions and donations come under the conditions and obligations relating to the funding of European political parties established in the EC Regulation referred to in Article 2.2. of the present statutes;
37.3. Membership fees shall be determined annually by the PES Presidency according to a set key. Its group in the European Parliament is exempt from subscription.
37.4. Members of the PES are not entitled to vote or take part in meetings of the PES unless they have paid their annual affiliation fee by the end of the first quarter of the financial year.
Article 38 – Financial year
The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.
Article 39 – Audit
The control of the financial situation, of the annual accounts and the certification that the operations stated in the annual accounts are in conformity with the law, the statutes and the financial regulations of the European Union, is entrusted to one or several auditors, nominated by the Presidency from among the members of the Belgian “Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprise”.
EUDArticle 5: Membership fees
Membership fees shall be set at a maximum of 10,000 euro annually. MEPs, members of national parliaments and their salaried staff may pay an annual fee to the EUD.
Article 11: Annual Accounts and Audits
The financial year of the Association shall run from 1 January to 31 December. The Association shall be financed by membership fees, donations and other legal contributions.
The annual accounts shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Board.
Auditor and Payments
The Board shall appoint a professional auditor (approved by the European Parliament).
The Board approves the annual budget.
All costs are approved by the President. The treasurer and President provide an overview of the accounts.
All payments are made by the Secretary or the person authorized to make payments.
Article 5 – Criteria for membership, categories of members and rights and obligations of members
Full members shall pay a membership fee, with the exception of the Belgian non-profit association LYMEC. (…)
Affiliate members shall pay a membership fee. (…)
Individual members may be required to pay a membership fee. (…)
Article 15 - Composition and powers
The following powers are restrictively reserved to the Council:
a) approval of the annual accounts, the annual report, the budget, the membership fees and any other form of financing;
nomination, dismissal and determination of the basic fee of the auditor(s).
Article 27
The audit of the financial situation, the annual accounts and the verification that the transactions set out in the annual accounts comply with the Act and the Articles of Association as well as the financial rules of the European Parliament, shall be entrusted to one or several auditors appointed by the Council chosen among the members of the Institute of Auditors (Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises/ Instituut der bedrijfsrevisoren).

Article 29
The financial year shall coincide with the calendar year.
Article 30
The Bureau shall prepare the annual accounts at the end of each financial year. The Treasurer, on behalf of the Bureau, shall also issue an annual report justifying the management of the Association. This annual report shall include comments on the annual accounts for the purpose of presenting the evolution of the Association and the Association’s activities.
The annual report and the auditor’s report shall be presented to the Council for approval, together with the draft annual accounts.
Article 31
The Association shall secure its financing by:
(i) the payment of membership fees, as provided in Article 5;
(ii) resources granted by any authority and more in particular the European authorities;
(iii) the remuneration of any service rendered by the Association to its members or third parties;
(iv) the payment of royalties for the use of intellectual property rights owned by the Association;
(v) any other form of authorised financial resource.
The membership fees must be paid before the 1st April of each year.

Internal Regulations:
1. The Treasurer, on behalf of the Bureau:
a) shall propose to the Council the annual budget and the financial contributions of the members;
b) shall account for the expenses of the secretariat and all other organs of the Association;
c) shall be responsible for the accounts of the electoral fund at the disposal of the Association;
d) may propose to the Bureau - which may agree - a variation in the financial obligations of any full, affiliate or observer party.
2. The Treasurer shall take a particular role with the Secretary General in administration and personnel management of the Association.
EDPArticle 10: Quotation
A fee is requested of the members. The amount of which is set by the Presidency.
Article 15: Powers
The Congress has the most extended powers for the attainment of the purpose of the association.
The Congress has exclusive powers on the following subjects:

-the approval of the annual budget and totals, seeing as the Assembly meets only every two years, the Council temporarily approves the annual totals and budget and afterwards submits them to Congress for ratification;
II THE COUNCIL or administrative counsel
Article 21: Attributions
2. (…) It temporarily approves the budget and the annual accounting before the ratification of the later at the first useful subsequent Congress.
Item VI: The Treasurer
Article 27:
He is responsible for the daily management of the association with respect to the communal and national norms in the matter of the financing of the parties.
By daily management, the current affaires are intended and he mainly:
-has sign, in the name of the association, all contracts with the exception of those that involve property alienation or constitution of real rights and those relative to loans.
-collects and receives from the National Bank, of the Belgian Treasury from every public cashier and administration, society or person, every sum or value owed to the association, in the form of capital interests and accessories, what ever may be the motive, retrieve every sum and value given and received, offer receipt in a proper and valid manner in the name of the association, pay in the form of capital, interests and accessories any sum owed by the association,
-has bank or postal accounts opened in the name of the association;
-signs, negotiates, endorses any type of payment, mandates, cheques, drafts, promissory notes, money transfers and other necessary documents, accepts, guarantees every bill, postpones the due date of payments or bills of expired payments;
-establishes and accepts every compensation, accepts and consents every subrogation, retrieves in the name of the association from the post office, from the customs office, from transportation and rail businesses or receives at his\her residence letters, cases, packages, parcels registered and assured mail; has any deposits delivered to him, presents the cover letters, the accompanying stamps and other necessary documents, signs any document and receipt;
-manages every type of inventory of assets and values pertaining to the association;
-nominates, revokes, dismisses agents and employees of the association, determines their salaries payments, discounts, bonuses, as well as every other condition relative to their admission and their departure;
-In the framework of these functions he represents the association ahead of any public or private administration;
-substitutes one or more representatives in these parties, of their powers that they themselves determine and for the duration that they themselves decide. The Treasurer is in addition, able to bind the association with his signature in the management of the current affairs.

The accounting period ends the thirty first of December of each year.
The Treasurer prepares the balance budget, drafts the annual report relative to the principle activities, the expenses and the revenue of the association; it also establishes the annual accounting of the past social period.
The President(s) propose(s) the budget at the end of each year.
Considering that the Congress reunites only once every two years, Council temporarily approves the accounting, the statement and the budget and submits them for ratification to the first appropriate Congress.
The Presidency may propose to Council to put into place a financial
committee, charged to assist the Treasurer in his task.
Item VII Control of the association
Article 28:
If requested by the law, the control of the financial situation of the association, of the annual accounting and of the regularity of information, which must contain the annual accounting, is entrusted to one or more auditors.
The auditors are nominated by the Congress amongst the members, physical persons or moral persons of the institute of the business accounting auditors. The auditors are appointed for a period of three years, renewable.
Their remuneration is established at the time of their nomination and the whole duration of their mandate.
Article 34:
The Presidents are expected, after having listened to the legal representatives of the parties members, to decide the respective financial representativeness of the different parties members.
Article 16
The Political Assembly has the powers attributed to it by the law, these by-laws and the Internal Regulations. Its competences consist inter alia of:
- adopting the annual accounts and the budget;
- deciding on the amount of annual dues to be paid by the members;
- appointing the statutory auditor.
Article 19
This day to day management includes inter alia (iv) the responsibility to the Presidency and the Political Assembly for proper and adequate budgetary management,
Article 23

Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Parties, Member Associations and Observer Member Parties contribute to the financing of the association. The conditions are strictly defined in the Internal Regulations.
Article 24
The association’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
At the end of each financial year, the Presidency closes the accounts for the year ended and establishes the budget for the following financial year in accordance with the applicable legal provisions; the annual accounts are submitted to the Political Assembly for approval.
The Treasurer will assist the Presidency in drawing up the accounts and the budget.
He controls the budgetary management of the General Secretary and reports to the Presidency. He is responsible in particular for the financing of the association and its activities, by means of membership fees, donations or otherwise.
The surplus is added to the association’s assets and in no case may be paid to members in the form of dividends.
Article 25
Exception made for the first appointment of the statutory auditor immediately after the incorporation of the association, which will be carried out in accordance with the transitional provisions, the Political Assembly appoints one or more statutory auditors assigned with auditing the accounts submitted by the Presidency and presenting a report on the accounts.
The auditor is appointed for a renewable term of three years. The Political Assembly fixes his remuneration. His mandate may be revoked at any time by the Presidency.
In the absence of an auditor or if the auditor is unable to fulfil his functions, the President convenes within one month a meeting of the Political Assembly for the purpose of appointing an auditor or replacing the auditor.
The auditor appointed to replace an auditor who has resigned in the course of his term of office completes the latter’s term.
Internal Regulations:
At the first meeting of each odd-numbered year, the Political Assembly elects four Internal Auditors who may not be members of the EPP Presidency. Their mandate lasts two years.
a. Membership Fees of EPP Ordinary Member Parties
The annual Membership Fees of the EPP Ordinary Member Parties is based on:
a) a basic sum calculated on the basis of the votes obtained by that party in the last European Elections
b) a basic sum per member of that party in the EPP Group in the European Parliament
The basic calculation is made for the first budget following European Elections, on the proposal of the Treasurer and the Secretary General and after approval of the Political Assembly.
When a modification in Membership Fees is necessary, it is possible to vote for either a modification of basic sum a) or for a modification of basic sum b) or for a modification of both sums.
b. Membership Fees for Associated Member Parties and Observer Member Parties
On the proposal of the Treasurer and Secretary General, the Membership Fees of EPP Associated Member Parties, is calculated by the Political Assembly on the basis of the votes obtained by these Associated Member parties during the last national elections.
The Associated Member Parties will start paying Membership Fees immediately after their admission as an Associated Member Party, pro rata temporis. The same procedure is for 50 % applied to Observer Member Parties.
c. Membership Fees for Member Associations
The Membership Fees of EPP Member Associations are determined by the Political Assembly upon proposal of the Treasurer and Secretary General.
d. Contribution of Supporting Members
Supporting Members can contribute to the financing of the EPP. The Supporting Member Contribution is at least 20 euro.
e. General Stipulations

Membership Fees are fixed in euro; they are payable without deduction of incurred costs.
Membership Fees are adjusted annually in line with Belgian inflation levels.
f. Arrears
Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Partiers and Observer Member Parties which accumulate arrears in the payment of their annual Membership Fee lose their speaking and/or voting rights within the organs and bodies of the association as well as their right to propose candidates for positions within the association, until they have paid off their arrears.
The Presidency will propose to the Political Assembly to exclude Ordinary, Associated and Observer Member Parties which accumulated arrears for two years.
Interest, equivalent to double the relevant year’s annual inflation rate in Belgium, will be added to the amount of the arrears. A list outlining the current Membership Fees’ situation will be distributed at each meeting of the EPP Political Assembly.
g. Subventions to Member Associations
1. The EPP in so far as possible supports the activities of its Member Associations. The nature and conditions of this support is determined by the EPP authorities responsible for the budget.
2. Each Member Association submits its budget at the beginning of the budgetary year (by 1 February at the latest) to the Political Assembly. It also furnishes its accounts and balance sheet of the year prior to the previous budgetary year. The balance sheet and accounts are to be accompanied by the report of the financial auditors and the minutes of the meeting at which this report was approved.
3. Each Member Association must present an activity report of the previous 12 month period to the EPP Political Assembly at the very latest at the time of the final adoption of the EPP budget.
4. Each Member Association must present a draft Activity Programme for the year to come to the EPP General Secretariat at the latest on November 1.
5. Following this, each Member Association receives (following the approval of the EPP budget) a subvention for its normal administrative costs (“office costs”). This subvention will be maximum 30% of the total amount of financial means put at the disposal of the Member Associations by the EPP.
6. Furthermore, each Member Association receives a credit line (following the approval of the EPP budget) for the realization of the activities as mentioned in point 4 and enlisted in the EPP Grant Application to the European Parliament as ‘co-productions’. This credit line is allocated in part or in whole on a case by case basis following an agreement with the EPP General Secretariat.
7. For the granting of such subventions, the following provisions must be ensured:
On all invitations to the activities and on all publications concerning the activities of the Member Associations as mentioned in point 4, the EPP logo must be present and clearly identified. This is a necessary prerequisite for every single use (in part or in whole) of the credit line.
h. Financial support to related organizations
Should the EPP Political Assembly decide to give annual financial support to other related organizations, these organizations should follow the same procedure as described above, in section g.
i. Administration of Resources
The EPP Treasurer and Secretary General are entrusted by the EPP Presidency and Political Assembly with the proper administration and use of the financial resources of the association.
j. Financial Year – Annual Accounts and Budget – Statutory Auditor
In accordance with article 12 and article 24 of the by-laws, any member of the EPP Presidency who is a Member of the European Commission or President of the European Parliament shall abstain from taking part in the deliberation and voting process regarding the annual accounts and budget of the association. These persons cannot be appointed as Statutory Auditor according to article 25 of the by-laws.
The President, the Treasurer and the Secretary General constitute the Office of the Executive Committee. The Office is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association. To do this, it has the most extensive executive and financial authority. It is accountable to the Executive Committee.
The financial resources of the association include, among others:
- subscriptions of members and entrance fees ;
- subsidies and sponsorships ;
- individual gifts and contributions of all kinds;
- inheritance income, service and revenues.
Member Charta:
Article 4: Membership Fees for Newropeans
Membership of Newropeans is subject to the payment of an annual membership fee by credit card on the web site of Newropeans, of which 25% may be destined for a local or issue specific network designated at the moment of signature. The amount and exact methods of payment of this membership fee are fixed by the General Assembly of Newropeans (see Membership Form).
Newropeans is an independant movement which receives NO local, national or european subsidy. Its functioning is secured by volunteers. Its budget originates from memberships and donations of its members and supporters.
The following financial, ethical and transparency rules have been developed and voted by the Agora of the Newropeans members.
No public money for Newropeans 2009 Campaign
Besides funding granted by each state to all political parties for the preparation of the campaign, Newropeans will not accept any public money for his campaign for the June 2009 European elections, neither from European, national or regional institutions.
Transparency regarding private money donations to Newropeans
All funds received by Newropeans, at European ,national and regional levels, will be clearly identified. The donors identity and the amounts will be put online.
Financial contribution of Newropeans elected EuroMPs to Newropeans finances
When elected to the European Parliament, all Newropeans EuroMPs will give back 50% of their EuroMP salary to Newropeans. Each Newropeans candidate will have to accept this principle before being confirmed as a Newropeans candidate.
Anti-nepotism policy for Newropeans at the European Parliament
Newropeans will forbid the recruitment of any relatives of any of its elected members at the European Parliament, for any position within the Newropeans group staff, or for any staff position of any individual Newropeans EuroMP.
XV. Funding
Pirate Parties International expenditure shall be covered by:
a) affiliation fees from the Ordinary Members parties and those with Observer status,
b) donations, or
c) other legal contributions.
XVI. Affiliation Fees
(1) The amount of the fee is determined annually by the General Assembly.
(2) The affiliation fees and contributions shall be fixed in relation to the finances and membership of parties.
XVII. Treasurer
(1) The Treasurer, in agreement with the Board, drafts the budget and the financial procedure, which must then be approved by the General Assembly.
(2) The Treasurer supervises the Pirate Parties International budget and reports to the Board every three months.
(3) The Board is responsible for the sound financial management of Pirate Parties International.
XVIII. Borrowing Powers
(1) Those officials empowered to operate the bank accounts of Pirate Parties International have the authority to borrow money as follows:
a) Up to ten percent of the annual budget needs the approval the Secretary General.
b) Over ten percent of the annual budget needs the approval of three quarters of the Board.
XIX. Lay Auditors
Three lay auditors shall be appointed by the General Assembly to inspect the accounts of Pirate Parties International on a yearly basis.
Jack AllnutsV - Council
Article 16
(1) Treasurer
(a) The Council shall elect a Treasurer to the Board for a renewable fixed term.
VII - Board
Article 25
(1) The Board shall consist of the Council Chairperson, the Treasurer and further members elected by the Council.
Article 26
(1) The Treasurer shall be responsible for accounting requirements and control of donations, as described in Articles 6 - 10 of Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 and other relevant legislation.
(2) The Treasurer shall comply as fully as possible with the regulations referred to in section (1) irrespective of whether PPEU is regarded as a political party at European level by the EU.
(3) The Treasurer shall report to the Council once every three months.
X - Funding
Article 31

PPEU shall be funded by:
(1) membership fees, as set by the Council;
(2) resources granted by any authority and in particular the EU;
(3) donations from individuals and other organisations; and
(4) any other legal means authorised by the Board.
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