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council-agenda_2017 [2017/09/08 17:56] thomasgcouncil-agenda_2017 [2017/11/14 21:54] – [6 New members presentation & admission] thomasg
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 ====== Preliminary Agenda for the Council Meeting 2017 in Prague ====== ====== Preliminary Agenda for the Council Meeting 2017 in Prague ======
-===== 18.11.2017 - Saturday (hours): =====+===== 17.11.2017 - FRIDAY (Inoffical part): ===== 
 +20:00 hrs at 
 +Blahníkova 610/3, Žižkov, 130 00 Prague 3 
 +===== 18.11.2017 - SATURDAY (hours): ===== 
 +Česká pirátská strana, Řehořova 943/19, Praha 3, Czech Republik 
 +**Opening of the PPEU council meeting (13:00h)** 
 +==== 1 Appoint ==== 
 +   * 1 chairperson 
 +   * 2 secretaries 
 +   * 2 vote counters 
 +==== 2 Establishing quorum ==== 
 +==== 4 Adopt rules of procedure & agenda ==== 
 +==== 5 Motion regarding voting rights ==== 
 +Motion by PPDE: the council shall disregard Art. 13 (6), (8) until the time a secured payment of membership fees is possible. All due membership fees are prolonged until the previous condition is fullfiled.  
 +Art. 13 (6) Member parties who do not meet their financial commitments will lose  all voting and speaking rights within the organs and bodies of the association as well as their right to propose candidates for positions within the association, until they have paid off their arrears. A list outlining the current Membership Fees’ situation will be distributed at each Council meeting by the Treasurer.  
 +Art. 13 (8) If a Member Party did not pay their due membership fee for two  consecutive years until the first Council meeting of the second year, they are deemed to have left the Association by resignation  automatically.  
 +==== 6 New members presentation & admission ==== 
 +=== 6a) Ordinary Member === 
 +Pirates FVG was first founded in 2011 and re-founded in 24 novembre 2016. 
 +Facebook: // 
 +We subscribe to the European Pirate Party’s principles and accepts its statutes and internal regulations// 
 +Link to statute: \\ // 
 +Link to manifest: \\ // 
 +Link to program: \\ // 
 +=== 6b) Observer Member === 
 +Pirates FVG was first founded in 2011 and re-founded in 24 novembre 2016. 
 +Site: // 
 +Facebook: // 
 +We subscribe to the European Pirate Party’s principles and accepts its statutes and internal regulations// 
 +Link to statute: \\ // 
 +Link to manifest: \\ // 
 +Link to program: \\ // 
 +==== 7 Admission of board candidates ==== 
 +according to Art. 17 (7) 
 +==== 8 Report be the Board of PPEU ==== 
 +==== 9 Discussion & vote – Future of the organisation ==== 
 +==== 10 Discussion & vote – Statutes amendments ==== 
 +//Proposal 1:// Move to Luxembourg 
 +- [[]] 
 +//Proposal 2:// Move to Luxembourg plus more 
 +- [[]]
-  * 1. Opening of the meeting (13:00) 
-    * a. Appoint 1 chairperson, 2 secretaries, 2 vote counters 
-    * b. Establishing quorum (13:10) 
-    * c. Adopt rules of procedure & agenda (13:15) 
-  * 2. Membership fee requests (delay, partial or total relievance) (13:20) 
-  * 3. New members presentation & admission 
-    * a. Ordinary Member : 
-    * b. Observer Member : 
-  * 4. Report be the Board of PPEU (xx:00) 
-  * 5. Discussion & vote - Future of the organisation (xx:00) 
-  * 6. Discussion & vote - Statutes amendments (xx:00) 
-    * Proposal 1: Move to Luxembourg - Link 
-    * Proposal 2: More to Luxembourg plus more - Link 
 ===== 19.11.2017 - SUNDAY ===== ===== 19.11.2017 - SUNDAY =====
-Remaining items from Saturday, if there are any (10:00)+Remaining items from Saturday, if there are any (10:00h) 
 +==== 11 Approval of accounts and reports ===== 
 +==== 12 Board elections ==== 
 +  * Chairman 
 +  * 2 Vice-Chairman 
 +  * Treasurer  
 +  * up to five Member of the Board 
 +==== 13 Motions not concerning the council meeting itself ==== 
 +==== 14 Voting tools ==== 
 +==== 15 Other items ====
-7Approval of accounts and reports (11:00)+//**Annex:**// \\ 
 +Agenda: \\ 
 +Candidates: \\ 
 +Statutes \\
-8. Board elections (13:00) 
-9. Other items (15:30) 
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2017/11/19 09:59 by bastian