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ppeu:members:fees [2024/01/16 08:06] – [2019] alessandroppeu:members:fees [2024/01/24 17:00] – [2024] alessandro
Line 14: Line 14:
 ===== Yearly payments ===== ===== Yearly payments =====
-From 2014 to 2019 membership fee was set(( to 300€/year per vote.\\ +From 2014 to 2019 membership fee was set(([[statutes:warsaw2013:minutes]])) to 300€/year per vote.\\ 
-Starting from 2020 membership fee was set (( to 50€/year per vote. +Starting from 2020 membership fee was set (( to 50€/year per vote. 
 ==== 2024 ==== ==== 2024 ====
 No decision to change membership fees has been taken, so membership fees for 2024 remain 50€ per vote. No decision to change membership fees has been taken, so membership fees for 2024 remain 50€ per vote.
-^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((can be used on Council))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee ^ Overdue ^ Note ^ +^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((can be used on Council))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee ^ Overdue ^ Note ^ Invoice 
-| PP-CAT | Pirates de Catalunya        | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€ | unpaid | +| PP-CAT | Pirates de Catalunya        | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€ | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_01_ppcat.pdf |}} 
-| PP-CZ  | Česká pirátská strana       | 5((330 844 votes (+1)and 13,95 %  of votes (+3) in [[|european elections]]))  | 4 | 250€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-CZ  | Česká pirátská strana       | 5((330 844 votes (+1)and 13,95 %  of votes (+3) in [[|european elections]]))  | 4 | 250€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_02_ppcz.pdf |}} 
-| PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_03_ppde.pdf |}} 
-| PP-FI  | Piraattipuolue              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-FI  | Piraattipuolue              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_04_ppfi.pdf |}} 
-| PP-FR  | Parti Pirate                | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid +| PP-FR  | Parti Pirate                | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | paid | {{ :ppeu:2024_05_ppfr.pdf |}} 
-| PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€  | unpaid | +| PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€  | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_06_ppgr.pdf |}} 
-| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((9.% of votes (+2) in [[,_2017|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | 150€ | unpaid | +| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((8.63 % of votes (+2) in [[|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | 150€ | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_07_ppis.pdf |}} 
-| PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_08_pirati.pdf |}} 
-| Pirati |                   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| Pirati |                   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_09_ppit.pdf |}} 
-| PP-LU  | Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg     | 2((7.7 % of votes in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | n.a. | unpaid +| PP-LU  | Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg     | 2((7.7 % of votes in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | n.a. | paid | {{ :ppeu:2024_10_pplu.pdf |}} 
-| PP-NL  | Piratenpartij               | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-NL  | Piratenpartij               | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_11_ppnl.pdf |}} 
-| PP-PL  | Polska Partia Piratów       | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-PL  | Polska Partia Piratów       | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_12_pppl.pdf |}} 
-| PP-SE  | Piratpartiet                | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | +| PP-SE  | Piratpartiet                | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid | {{ :ppeu:2024_13_ppse.pdf |}} 
-| PP-SI  | Piratska stranka Slovenije  | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | unpaid +| PP-SI  | Piratska stranka Slovenije  | 1 | 2 | 50€  | n.a. | paid | {{ :ppeu:2024_14_ppsi.pdf |}} 
-| PP-SK  | Pirátska strana Slovensko   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€  | unpaid |+| PP-SK  | Pirátska strana Slovensko   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | 50€  | paid | {{ :ppeu:2024_15_ppsk.pdf |}} |
 **Note**: for 2024, PP-CH and PP-NO cannot be considered anymore Ordinary Members, due to unpaid membership fees for 2022 and 2023.\\ **Note**: for 2024, PP-CH and PP-NO cannot be considered anymore Ordinary Members, due to unpaid membership fees for 2022 and 2023.\\
Line 48: Line 48:
 | PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid | | PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid |
 | PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid | | PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid |
-| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((9.% of votes (+2) in [[,_2017|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | paid |+| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((8.63 % of votes (+2) in [[|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | paid |
 | PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid | | PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid |
 | Pirati |                   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid | | Pirati |                   | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid |
Line 73: Line 73:
 | PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid | | PP-DE  | Piratenpartei Deutschland   | 2((243 302 votes (+1) in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid |
 | PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | unpaid | | PP-GR  | Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας      | 1 | 2 | 50€  | unpaid |
-| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((9.% of votes (+2) in [[,_2017|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | unpaid |+| PP-IS  | Píratar                     | 3((8.63 % of votes (+2) in [[|national elections]])) | 2 | 150€  | unpaid |
 | PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid | | PP-IT  | Partito Pirata              | 1 | 2 | 50€  | paid |
 | PP-LU  | Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg     | 2((7.7 % of votes in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid | | PP-LU  | Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg     | 2((7.7 % of votes in [[|european elections]])) | 2 | 100€  | paid |
Line 182: Line 182:
 ==== 2017 ==== ==== 2017 ====
-^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((can be used on Council))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note((  ^+^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((can be used on Council))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note  ^
 | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived | | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived |
 | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived | | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived |
Line 206: Line 206:
 ==== 2016 ==== ==== 2016 ====
-^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((not used))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note((  ^+^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note  ^
 | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived | | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived |
 | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived | | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 2 | 300€  | waived |
Line 230: Line 230:
 ==== 2015 ==== ==== 2015 ====
-^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((As calculated from [[|wikipedia]], please provide better counts))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note((  ^+^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((As calculated from [[|wikipedia]], please provide better counts))  ^ Delegates ^ Fee  ^ Note ^
 | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1((60,451 votes or 2.14% in Coalition, no additional or suplementary votes)) | 2 | 300€  | paid | | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1((60,451 votes or 2.14% in Coalition, no additional or suplementary votes)) | 2 | 300€  | paid |
 | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1((did not run)) | 2 | 300€  | waived | | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1((did not run)) | 2 | 300€  | waived |
Line 254: Line 254:
 ==== 2014 ==== ==== 2014 ====
-^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((As used on the [[ppeu:ga:minutes2014-03-21|founding council]]))  ^ Fee  ^ Note((  ^+^ Abbriv.   ^ Name       ^ Votes((As used on the [[ppeu:ga:minutes2014-03-21|founding council]]))  ^ Fee  ^ Note ^
 | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 300€  | paid | | PP-AT  | Piratenpartei Österreichs   | 1 | 300€  | paid |
 | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 300€  | waived | | PP-BE  | Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij  | 1 | 300€  | waived |
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2024/06/23 11:14 by alessandro