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European Pirate Party 1st Council Meeting 2015

This conference will be held in Brussels 17-18th of July 2015. Main organizer is Mattias Bjärnemalm (Mab) who can be reached by

Please not that member organizations need to have paid their membership fees for 2014 and 2015 to be able to vote at the Council meeting and for their delegates to get any travel reimbursements.

More information will be posted as soon as it is available.

Proposed agenada

prepared by PP-CZ

  1. Opening
    1. Appointing chair and others
    2. Establishing qourum (Remaining Ordinary members)
    3. Agenda disscusion
  2. Requests to delay or relieve of Memebersip fees On request of the concerned Ordinary Member party the Council may allow them under special circumstances with a 2/3-majority of the votes cast to delay their annual contribution for up to one year or relieve them of the payment or a part of it. The member party concerned may not vote on such a decision.
    1. Separate sub points for each request
  3. New member application Decision on the membership of new applicants.
    1. Ordinary members
      1. separate subsubpoint for each application
    2. Observer members
      1. separate subsubpoint for each application
  4. Approval of accounts and reports
  5. Debate on the future of the organisation Debate on the future of the organisation based on
  6. Budget and financing
    1. Budget proposal
  7. Statutes proposed changes
    1. subpoints for proposals
      1. subsubpoints for counterproposals
    2. Manifesto changes
      1. points and subpoints
  8. Board Elections
    1. Chairperson
      1. nominiees
    2. Vice-chairpersons (2)
      1. nominees
    3. Treasurer
      1. nominees
    4. Boardmembers (5)
      1. nominees
  9. Other items
    1. points and subpoints
    2. Travel reimbursements for delegates additionaly to travel reimbursement through the visitors' group
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2015/06/13 21:29 by vojtechpikal