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European Pirate Party 5th Council Meeting 2019
This conference took place 2nd to 3rd November in Milan, Italy.
Address of the venue: Spazio MIL - via Granelli 1, Sesto San Giovanni - Milano | Sala Sacchi + Soppalco Website: www.spaziomil.org
Preliminary agenda:
- Friday, Nov. 1st: 14-18 : welcome acceptance at Spazio MIL (later unofficial aperitivo)
- Saturday, Nov. 2nd 9-18: Council Meeting - Coffee break and lunch included and free
- Saturday, Nov. 2nd: 19-late night: Pirate Party Surprise!
- Sunday, Nov. 3nd 9-18: Council Meeting - Coffee break and lunch included and free
Link to the Stream
https://meeting.partito-pirata.it/CM2019Milan Link to PP-IT-Jitsi-meeting (password required)
list of delegates and other participants.
Nominated Members of the Board
Items proposed for the agenda, including nominations, membership applications and other.
/var/www/wiki.ppeu.net/web/data/pages/5th_council_meeting_2019.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/13 21:58 by exile