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Motions concerning the statutes

Motion 1

Motion by PP??


Reasoning: The board shall be workable at all times.

Not finalised Proposals concerning the statutes

Proposal 1

Proposal by PPDE

Article 13 - Membership Fees

(1) A fee is requested of the Ordinate Member parties.

(1) A fee is requested of Ordinary Members

Reasoning: follows

Proposal 2

Proposal by PPDE

Article 14 - Composition and Powers of the Council

(2) Council meetings are normally open to the public unless the Council itself decides otherwise for all or part of its proceedings.

(2) Council meetings are open to the public unless the Council itself decides otherwise for all or a part of the council meeting.

Reasoning: follows

Proposal 3

Proposal by PPDE

Art. 23 – Audit

(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the Law on Not-for-profit Associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).

(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the law on not-for-profit associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).

Reasoning: follows

Proposal 3

Proposal by PPDE

Art. 23 – Audit

(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the Law on Not-for-profit Associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).

(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the law on not-for-profit associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).

Reasoning: follows

Proposal 4

Proposal by PPDE

Article 25 – Change of Statutes

(3) Any decision amending the Statutes shall be submitted to the Company Registrar (RCSL) and published according to the law.

(3) Any decision amending the Statutes shall be submitted to the Company Registrar (RCS) and published according to the law.

Reasoning: correct term “ Registre de commerce et des sociétés (RCS)” see

Proposal 6

Proposal by PPDE

Art. 21 – Financial Provisions
(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are deposited within thirty (30) days of approval at the Registry of the Court of First Instance or, if the law so requires, the National Bank of Belgium.
(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are published within sixty (60) days on the PPEU wiki.
Reasoning: Switch Belgium to Luxembourg
===== Proposal 7 ======
Proposal by PPDE
Art. 21 – Financial Provisions

(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are deposited within thirty (30) days of approval at the Registry of the Court of First Instance or, if the law so requires, the National Bank of Belgium.

(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are published within sixty (60) days on the PPEU wiki.

Reasoning: Delete Belgium and simplify the process

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2019/09/06 16:23 by thomasg