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−Table of Contents
Motions concerning the statutes
Motion 1
Motion by PPDE - passed unanimously
Article 13 - Membership Fees
(1) A fee is requested of the Ordinate Member parties.
(1) A fee is requested of Ordinary Members.
Reasoning: simplified
Motion 2
Motion by PPDE
- motion passed
Article 14 - Composition and Powers of the Council
(2) Council meetings are normally open to the public unless the Council itself decides otherwise for all or part of its proceedings.
(2) Council meetings are open to the public unless the Council itself decides otherwise for all or a part of the council meeting.
Reasoning: simplified -'normally' is stricken off
Motion 3
Motion by PPDE
- motion passed
Art. 23 – Audit
(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the Law on Not-for-profit Associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).
(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the law on not-for-profit associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).
Reasoning: editorial
Motion 4
Motion by PPDE
- motion passed
Article 25 – Change of Statutes
(3) Any decision amending the Statutes shall be submitted to the Company Registrar (RCSL) and published according to the law.
(3) Any decision amending the Statutes shall be submitted to the Company Registrar (RCS) and published according to the law.
Reasoning: correct term “ Registre de commerce et des sociétés (RCS)” see - editorial
Motion 5
Motion by PPDE
- motion passed
Art. 21 – Financial Provisions
(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the Law on Not-for-profit Associations are deposited within thirty (30) days of approval at the Registry of the Court of First Instance or, if the law so requires, the National Bank of Belgium.
(7) The Board shall ensure that the annual accounts and the other documents referred to in the law on not-for-profit associations are published within sixty (60) days on the PPEU wiki.
Reasoning: Switch Belgium to Luxembourg plus prolonging deadlines
Motion 6
Motion by PPDE
Article 13 – Membership Fees
- motion passed
(7) Members must pay their annual contribution between the first of January and the date of the annual Council meeting. On request of the concerned Ordinary Member party the Council may allow them under special circumstances with a 2/3-majority of the votes cast to delay their annual contribution for up to one year or relieve them of the payment or a part of it. The member party concerned may not vote on such a decision.
(7) Members must pay their annual contribution within 3 months after invoicing. On request of the concerned Ordinary Member party the Council may allow them under special circumstances with a 2/3-majority of the votes cast to delay their annual contribution for up to one year or relieve them of the payment or a part of it. The member party concerned may not vote on such a decision.
Reasoning: simplify the process
Motion 7
Motion by PPDE
- motion passed
Article 16 - Composition and Powers of the Board
(9) For the purposes of certain actions and duties or everyday management functions, the Board may transfer its powers to one or more members of the Board or even another person, who may or may not be a member of the Association. The Board will have the faculty of special delegate. The powers of the said person(s) shall be defined precisely by the Board; the Board may at any time revoke these powers with immediate effect.
(9) For the purposes of certain actions and duties or everyday management functions, the Board may transfer its powers to one or more members of the Board or even another person, who may or may not be a member of the Association. The powers of the said person(s) shall be defined precisely by the Board; the Board may at any time revoke these powers with immediate effect.
Reasoning: Omit one oblivious sentence
Motion 8
Motion by PPDE
Art. 17 - Election of the Board Members
(3) All nominations shall be done at least a month prior to the meeting at which the election takes place.
(3) All nominations shall be done at least a month prior to the meeting at which the election takes place. In case no nomination for Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons or Treasurer is given until the deadline, candidates can be nominated until a day prior to the council meeting with proof given by an Ordinary Member party. This latter rule does not apply for additional board members.
Reasoning: Lesson learned
Motion 9
Motion by PPDE
Art. 17 - Election of the Board Members
(11) An election of the Board must take place at the first council meeting of the year.
(11) An election of the Board must take place once a year. The time between elections shall not exceed 15 months.
Reasoning: Lesson learnt, remember we had been hindered this year for an early council meeting
Motion 10
Motion by PPDE
Art. 23 – Audit
(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to it, the Association is so required, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the Law on Not-for-profit Associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors appointed by the Council from among the members of the Luxembourgish Institute of Company Auditors (Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises (IRE)).
(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the law on not-for-profit associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors according to Art. 23 (2).
Reasoning: Auditors are needed. As off today no need for expensive auditors is given.
Motion 11
Motion by PPDE
Article 25 – Change of Statutes
(2) Decisions regarding amendments to the Statutes can only be taken if there is an attendance quota of two-thirds of the members entitled to vote present or represented and shall be taken with a double majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by two-thirds of the Ordinary Members taking part in the voting, except for decisions on the Principles (Art. 4) and Objectives (Art. 5) where consent of all the Ordinary Council Members is necessary.
(2) Decisions regarding amendments to the Statutes can only be taken if there is an attendance quota of two-thirds of the members entitled to vote present or represented and shall be taken with a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the Ordinary Members taking part in the voting, except for decisions on the Principles (Art. 4) and Objectives (Art. 5) where consent of all the Ordinary Council Members is necessary.
Reasoning: Delete “double” as for making sense out of the sentence
Motion 12
Motion by PPIS Recieved 03.10.2019 00:28 CEST
Adding a Code of Conduct Council to the PPEU
this motion would add an extra organ to the current structure of the PPEU. In addition to Article 14 (the council) and article 16 (the board) an additional body The Code of Conduct Council will be added on.
The purpose of the CoC council is to provide a place for possible disputes and to promote an inclusive and diverse culture among European Pirate Parties allowing the PPEU to lead by example. The council will function with confidentiality and adhere to sound and good privacy practices regarding all information related to ´´
Code of Conduct Council
1. Elections to the Code of Conduct Council are to be held at the same time as the PPEU board. 3 individuals are to be elected to the Code of Conduct Council. The appointment of the Council shall be done at a PPEU council meeting.
2. The Code of Conduct Council has mediation and assistance in the event of disagreement, conflict or communication as well as other matters relating to the conduct of the PPEU and its members.
3. The Code of Conduct Council is independent in its work.
4. Pirate affiliates, PPEU board and individual members can refer cases to the Code of Conduct council and the Code of Conduct Council can also take action on their own initiative.
5. The Code of Conduct Council makes recommendations and decisions that it recommends the PPEU board to execute.
6. Upon choosing members of the Code of Conduct Council, special competence in human relations, independent working methods and general trust among members of the PPEU should be assessed. It is desirable that they have previously held confidential positions within their party or PPEU. Members of the Code of Conduct Council shall not perform any other held positions for the PPEU while they are members of the Code of Conduct Council.
7. The appointment of a member of the Code of Conduct Council is in keeping with the appointment time of the PPEU board.
Other Motions
Motion 1
Motion by PPIT
- ECI ( “Knowledge sharing”: a European Citizen Initiative to legalise file
sharing for private and not commercial use all over European Union.
A Committee will be founded and registered in Italy: ECI complete text will be available soon in draft so everyone can see it before our meeting.
We would like to be able to sign the official document in Milan, so the request of ECI can start.
Be aware that we will need at least seven Pirates from different EU countries!
Motion 2
Motion by PPIT
- A communication group at EU level
After last European Election, we all Pirates demonstrated that we actually are a great international movement. What we need now is also to continue communicate things and spread news both from our elected MEP and from our PP's all over Europe in a common way, coordinating and sharing all our resources.
We agree that before 31 December 2019 all members will provide a list of tools to be approved upon at the first Council Meeting of 2020.
Motion 3
Motion 3
The CoC Council would work on the basis of the following:
It is suggested the Code of Conduct Council work based on the following manifesto:
Respect for Diversity & Inclusion: We avoid comments, actions or propaganda that encourages discrimination related to gender, gender expression, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, sexual characteristics, physical appearance, disability, or age. Respect Freedom of Expression: We support an individual's freedom of expression and will strive to better understand each other by not assuming experiences or beliefs, clarifying meanings, and making an effort to speak clearly, avoiding jargon and acronyms.
Commitment to Non-Violence: We will not engage in any type of violence or aggression, including verbal threats or complaints, intimidation, stalking or harassment, whether physically or psychologically. Rejection of Sexual Harassment: We understand sexual harassment as unwanted physical contact or insinuation of a sexual nature, as well as displaying images, drawings or visual representations of any kind that objectify members of any gender or reinforce oppression. Respect for Privacy: Safeguard the privacy of members, individuals and paricipants in PPEU events, and agree to follow the Code of Conduct as well as the CoC Council's recommentations. Facilitate Participation & Collaboration: We work to create an environment that facilitates participation for all participants, and that session presenters are given respect. We will not engage in sustained disruption of sessions or events, interrupt conversations in a way that negatively impacts collaboration, or engage in toxic behaviors to attract negative attention to an attendee. We Care about the Integrity and Health of the Community: We value the health of the community and will not engage in behavior that can negatively impact it. Support Positive Interactions Among members: We are committed to engaging constructively with others at all times. We will not tolerate bullying, including requesting or mobilizing others, either in person or online, to bully others.