
Emmanuele Somma aka exedre

“Humble programmer”, Emmanuele played for profit in the ranks of some Italian government departments and national authority. Emmanuele since the late 80s has played for fun in organizations in the FOSS world an lately in the Europe Free Software Foundation Italy. In 1994 he wrote the manifesto for the first Italian organization for the protection of digital rights (LE.CI.TI, the League of telematic citizens) and in 2009 founded Agora Digitale, a well known digital rights organization. Since 2014 volunteered on the board of directors of Hermes Center, who produces well-known whistleblowing free software GlobaLeaks. He has published many technical articles and a book on the copyright case: No SCOpyright! (SCO against Linux), has founded the GNU/Linux Magazine and managed other programming and Internet magazines. Over time he had fun to sue Business Software Alliance; to infringe Culture minister in Italy Urbani decree against peer-to-peer and the sue Urbani himself for the infringement to his own decree; he found the Italian “Interministerial Commission on digital content in the Internet age (e-content)” involved into plagiarism; he verified on the field the lack of transparency in the field of electronic voting and such other amenities. Since the 90s he was activist in the Nonviolent Radical Party which is an NGO at ONU ECOSOC since '80s and is now fully volunteering in the Pirate Party. Last year was a candidate in 2019 European election and the organizer of Italian lists with dozen of well-known personalities of Italian digital rights scene.

Photo: https://www.partito-pirata.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/emmanuele-partitopirata.jpg

Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/exedre/

/var/www/wiki.ppeu.net/web/data/pages/7th_council_meeting_2019/candidature_exedre.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/29 12:36 by dichter