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There are two categories of PP-EU members: Ordinary Members and Observer Members. There is several categories of Observer Members.

Number of members is not limited, but there has to be at least five Ordinary Members. Tle list of members should be deposited at the association's office.

List of Members

Ordinary Members

An Ordinary Member has to be an established political party with “Pirate” in its name in a country or state of the European Union OR in a country or state which territory lies at least partly in the geographical Europe without being a member state of the European Union. It must not be a subordinate to any other party in this country or state.

Int. abbriv. Name Country Delegates Votes
PP-AT Piratenpartei Österreichs Austria ? ?
PP-BE Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij Belgium ? ?
PP-HR Piratska Stranka Croatia ? ?
PP-CZ Česká pirátská strana Czech Republic ? ?
PP-EE Eesti Piraadipartei Estonia ? ?
PP-FI Piraattipuolue Finland ? ?
PP-FR Parti Pirate France ? ?
PP-DE Piratenpartei Deutschland Germany ? ?
PP-GR Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας Greece ? ?
PP-IS Píratar Iceland ? ?
PP-IT Partito Pirata Italy ? ?
PP-LU Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg ? ?
PP-NL Piratenpartij Netherlands ? ?
PP-NO Piratpartiet Norway ? ?
PP-PL Polska Partia Piratów Poland ? ?
PP-RO Partidul Pirat Romania ? ?
PP-CAT Pirates de Catalunya Spain ? ?
Confederación Pirata Spain ? ?
PP-SE Piratpartiet Sweden ? ?
PP-CH Piratenpartei Schweiz Switzerland ? ?
YPE Young Pirates of Europe Europe ? ?
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2015/05/28 14:13 by vojtechpikal