Meeting CEEP-Group
Where - Mumble -
When - 29th June 2018, 20:30 CEST
How long - 1,5 hours (max) - 20:30 - 22:00
Invitation as large as possible
Members present:
Macburns Mickey Sinclair @mickjosi Global PP
Petra - PPDE - @PetraStoll
@gpellen - gwenael.pellen (ppfr member - listener)
Thomas Gaul - PPDE @Thomas1G
Aurifex (Etienne) - PPFR
farlistener (Cédric) - PPFR
Michael Berndt - PPDE
Markéta Gregorová - PPCZ
Bastian @bastianbb - PPDE / PPEU-Board
Numero6 [ParTiD'enRire]
Alexander Spies @sozialpirat PPDE
Objectives of the meeting
- Discuss the methods to produce a CEEP 2019
- Exchange informations about the situation of the different Working Group
- Exchange about the organisation of the IRL meeting in Barcelona
1 - Discussion about the methodology of the construction of the CEEP - 20mn
Every Working Group is free to organize the work the way it want and use the methodoly that its members pleased. Main condition is to keep a free participation possible.
PPEU is a facilitator and every national PP will decide for itself, if it adopting it or not. The wokingsgroups are building a draft and the national PP will have to make comments on it and the workings groups will have than as main taks to rework the draft with the comments from the national PP. But the decision to adopt the ceep or not stay by the national party.
- there's a lack of participating parties, something needs to be done about that →
Markéta will try to find contacts to all the international coordinators and ask them personally, not via mailing lists, whether they will participate and what can be done to help them participate. This personal call might be more effective.
2 - Discussion on the short resume per thematic of the PPDE
Meeting - Wednesday, 06.06.2018, 20:30h CEST
Short debrief.
Discussed at the GA of the PPDE. In a first vote, it was rejected.
3 - Old CEEP4 - Some news from the working group (5 mn/WG)
no news, as the task had been to find out about obsolete stuff and what needs to be amended. Amending is up to the working groups.
- How was the first meeting ?
- What is your methodology ?
- Will you have a draft of proposal for the 21th July ?
<fc #FF0000>Agriculture, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries</fc>
Annette Berndt,
Last meeting on 28.06.2018
discussion about the proposal (see subpad-link abouve), searching for keywords for every theme, adding missing points, comparison/analogy to the french program. In progress.
We missed someone to explane MaritimeAffairsFisheries.
Maritim Affairs was a concept unclear. It comes from the European Commission but the difference with fisheries is unclear. It may contains element on a european sea right or sea infrastructure.
Nextmeeting : to be annonced
A raw version could be available for the 21th of July at least key words
<fc #FF0000>Digital Affairs</fc>
Alexander Spies -
Maija Li Raudaskoski
Last meeting 22.06.2018 - next meeting (t.b.a.)
Nextmeeting : to be annonced
A raw version could be available for the 21th of July
<fc #FF0000>Climate Action & Energy</fc>
Michael Berndt (mail:
Not much discussion on the proposal - maybe we could consider it as a good start and proposal for the CEEP if no more participants want to add or change points.
<fc #FF0000>Corruption and Lobbyism</fc>
Translation is going on from the PP-CZ Programm. If the translation is suffisant, it could be the starting text for the meeting of the 21th of July.
<fc #FF0000>Education & Culture</fc>
Coordinator Marek Necada -
News coming soon…
<fc #FF0000>Foreign and defense policy</fc>
Lead: Aurifex (@AbeEvellin) -
Still waiting for the proposal of the Pirates.
Last meeting - 26/06/2018:
Not so much material to work on it. The 10th of July there could be some proposals from PP-FR and eventually from the PP-CZ.
Next meeting : 10/07/2018 - 21h00 CEST
Where : French Discord :
(please try to connect once before the meeting to set up your account)
<fc #FF0000>Migration and asylum policies</fc>
Lead: Mickey Sinclair,
Meeting on 05.07.2018 20:30h Mumble
Important is to keep a text simple even if the subject is complex. The subject could become a really important thematic in the coming elections and we need concrete proposals.
A text, as a first draft, could be discussed for the 21th in Barcelona.
Czech text (we can translate):
<fc #FF0000>Social Affairs & Basic Income</fc>
Alexander Spies -
Jonathan van Dijken -
Knarf_E and Alex will co-lead the group
- basic income : it may be complicated to put the proposal in the CEEP. Or at least, it may be good to have this point but not to be too precise or concrete in the proposition because there is still a lot of technical discussion around.
- social policy is not really made on european level: it is no in the traite. Perhaps we can to think about coordinating the regulation and the social system.
- Ticket free Public Transport.
- one of our czech Pirates prepared some text for basic income, is very interested in it, so maybe discuss it within parties, what are your stances, and I'll present it in Barcelona (or he'll send it sooner). If it won't be passable, it's ok, but let's try
<fc #FF0000>Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds</fc>
Coordinator: Martin Cech -
Martin was the only one with Marketa at the meeting. The proposed text is agood start and could be consolidate through more input.
<fc #FF0000>Taxes Policy</fc>
Wokring Group on a common Taxes Policies : for the moment we don't have input or coordinator.
- Taxes that everyone will understand – instead of 6 different forms of taxation of work only one lower tax. CZ
<fc #FF0000>Infrastructure and Transportation (new)</fc>
Adding Infrastructure and transportation as a program group?
yes :)
i am late, i propose “Mobility and Transport” like the EU Commission
5 - Barcelona 21th-22nd of July
- who
The PP-CAT is OK to help the organisation
The venue is known and the PPEU Board is working on it.
Venue: (at PP-CAT HQ)
Inceptum Hub
c/o Rector Triadó 31, 08014 Barcelona
Idea : each PP can send 1 to 3 people (just a recommendation) + remote delegation
Any experts that wants to come, can come. It has not to be official delegates or official representant.
We have to find a balance within the participants.
To define :
- how many technicals peoples from the Catalonian Part can support the meeting
- how big is the venue ?
- we need a stablized internet : it is a real important point.
- remote partizipation.
Pragmatic proposal
- Invitation to all pirates
- deadline in two weeks to have a screen on the possible people attending the meeting
- in two weeks can we see if there is high unbalance or PP missing and then we can react to help the missing people
- how
Online Live stream, online meeting, As many basic text from all working groups beforehand.
Techies can come also whoever can set up Live streams ,sound Photographers welcome.
- attended results
Discussion on the catalonian issues : it could be nice to have a moment to receive “inside” informations about the situation and so on.
- next steps after
- 22nd of July : many texts on the differents thematic are produced
- then at least one week work to put it in form
- then the works within the national PP beginns : translation of the proposal, collect of the comments and retranslation of the comments into english
- then synthesis of the comments
- and workings meetings :)
- Goal September
- Who is attending the meeting?
6 - Tech-meeting
There are many tools being developed, the need was expressed to have a special meeting dedicated to the tools.
Collecting the currently used tools needs to be done.
PPI : will collect the list of all the tools used par national PP and how the tools are used.
The “Tech-Meeting” will be common PPI/PPEU.
7 - Campaign Meeting
EU Election - Campaign Meeting - 01/07/2018 at 20:00 CEST
NRW Mumble
8 - Anything else (AOB) CZ
It can be used by all the working groups.
Try to organize as many action as possible though Europe :)
Hoping to have action in Spain, in Rep:Czech etc… - for social media exchange? #pursurance startup is using mattermost so we could go there and take the discussion wide,
It has to be discussed during the next Tech-Meeting.
9 - Next Meeting / Closing of the Meeting
Next meeting 21/07/2018 in Barcelona
Meeting closed on 22:… hrs CEST
Ordinary members
PP-AT Piratenpartei Österreichs
PP-BE Parti Pirate/Piratenpartij
PP-HR Piratska Stranka (Croatia)
PP-CZ Ceská pirátská strana
PP-EE Eesti Piraadipartei (Estonia)
PP-FI Piraattipuolue Finland
PP-FR Parti Pirate France
PP-DE Piratenpartei Deutschland
PP-GR Pirate Party Greece
PP-IS Píratar Iceland
PP-IT Partito Pirata Italy
PP-LU Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg
PP-NL Piratenpartij Netherlands
PP-NO Piratpartiet Norway
PP-PL Polska Partia Piratów
PP-RO Partidul Pirat Romania
PP-CAT Pirates de Catalunya
PC-ES Confederación Pirata
PP-SE Piratpartiet Sweden
PP-CH Piratenpartei Schweiz
PP-SL Piratska stranka Slovenije