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Welcome Píratapartýiš Island!

This wiki is intended for shaping the idea of a European Pirate Party / European Pirates. It is a common platform for the PPs in Europe.

The blog keeps you informed about news regarding PPEU matters, but you can also follow us at the European Pirates accounts in Twitter and Facebook.

The negotiation process for the foundation of the European Pirate Party was declared complete at the Warsaw conference.

The programme working group takes the programmes of all participating parties as input and compiles a list of common and conflicting fragments for their consideration for a common European programme.

The statutes working group creates the statutes and other high level documents required for the creation of a European party recognized by the EU.

Both groups meet biweekly in mumble. You will find specific details within the administration pages of the working groups or in the calendar.

The Euroliquid working group is the experimental starting point for the first European party with participated democracy in future.

This is an overview about relevant working pads.

The ongoing process to select a logo and corporate imatge for the European Pirates can be followed here.

PPs in EU and EFTA countries

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53.344104, -6.2674937,0,.8,piratenpartei.png,PP-IE
64.135338, -21.89521,0,.8,piratenpartei.png,PP-IS, Píratapartýiš Island
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35.89779, 14.514106,0,.8,piratenpartei.png,PP-MT
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Our next major milestone is a official foundation conference in Brussels in March 2014 where the PPEU Officers will be elected and the Party would finally go live.

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2014/01/30 19:10 by muriel