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8 Change of Statutes of PPEU

8 Change of Statutes of PPEU

EGPThese Statutes replace and supercede the previous Statutes of the European Green Party published in the Moniteur Belge on 25/09/2008.
11.2 Changes to these Statutes may only be made by Council voting with a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes. Changes to the Rule Book may only be made by Council voting with a two-thirds majority of the Allocated Votes with the exception of the Articles 6.5 and 6.6, which require a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes.
11.3 In compliance with Article III of the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 governing non-profit organisations, international non-profit organisations and foundations, all changes to the present Statutes must be submitted to the Ministry of Justice and published in the Appendixes of the Moniteur Belge.
EFA2. The general assembly may validly decide only if a majority of its members are present or represented.
It may decide to amend the statutes only if the amendment is announced when the meeting is convened and if two-thirds of the members entitled to vote are present or represented.
If this number is not attained a second meeting may be convened which may take a valid decision irrespective of the number of members present and represented. The second meeting may not be held within 15 days following the first meeting.
The general assembly may decide to amend the purpose of the association or dissolve it only by a majority of four-fifths of the votes present or represented.
3. For conversion into an association with a social purpose the attendance requirements for amending the statutes must be fulfilled and the decision taken by the majority required to amend the purpose of the association.
Any amendment of the statutes must be deposited with the registry of the commercial court and published in the Annex to the Belgian State Gazette.
ELChanges of these statutes and the Manifesto are decided by the Congress after a thorough debate on the issue within each member party.
PES42.1. Amendments to the Statutes may only be tabled by a full member and shall require a qualified majority (cf. Art. 17.5.) of Congress in order to be adopted, following a proposal from the Presidency.
42.2. All decisions related to the change of statutes must be submitted to the Belgian Minister of Justice and published in the Annexes of the Belgian Official Journal.
EUDAmending the EUD Statute
The regulation of the EUD can be amended by simple majority at an annual meeting where it is put on the agenda in advance.
ELDRAny proposal to amend these Articles of Association or to dissolve the Association shall only be valid if proposed by the Bureau or one third of the full members.

The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association must be attached to the notice calling the meeting of the Congress.
An attendance quorum of at least two-thirds of the full members is required for decisions regarding amendments to the Articles of Association or the dissolution of the Association. Where this quorum is not reached, a new meeting of the Congress shall be called no earlier than 15 calendar days after the first meeting. The second meeting of the Congress shall be entitled to take valid decisions irrespective of the number of full members present.
Decisions regarding amendments to the Articles of Association shall be taken with a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast. Decisions regarding the dissolution of the Association shall be taken with a majority of four-fifth of the votes cast. Any decision relating to the amendments to the Articles of Association shall be submitted to the Ministry of Justice and published in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette.
EPPProposals for modifications of the by-laws may be introduced by the Presidency, Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Parties or Member Associations and by the EPP Group at the European Parliament and the Presidents of the EPP Groups in the Committee of the Regions, the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe, the WEU, the OSCE and NATO provided that they are member of an Ordinary Member Party or Associated Member Party.
Proposals must be presented in writing to the Secretary General who will transmit them to the Members of the Political Assembly for deliberation at least four weeks prior to the meeting at which the Political Assembly will deliberate on those proposals.
Proposals shall be presented to the Congress for adoption only if they have obtained a two-thirds majority in the Political Assembly. Approval of modifications to the bylaws presented by the Political Assembly requires a simple majority of the members of Congress present. The Congress may by a two-thirds majority of the members present overrule the proposals of the Political Assembly.
At the proposal of the Presidency, the Political Assembly decides on the Internal Regulations in which issues of internal order and of financial order not mentioned in these by-laws shall be set out. In the Internal Regulations, some additional bodies will be created, such as the EPP Summit and the notions of “Member Associations” and “Supporting Member” will be defined.
Proposals for amendments to the Internal Regulations may be submitted by the Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Parties and Member Associations and by the Presidency. Said proposals must be submitted in writing to the Secretary General four weeks prior to the meeting of the Political Assembly at which they will be considered and they must be notified to the members.
NewropeansChanges to the Newropeans statutes are suggested by the Executive Committee or by at least 10% of the members, in the form of amendments to the statutes. They are validated if they obtain at least 50% of the votes, after a vote in which at least 50% of the association’s members have participated.
PPI(1) This Statutes can only be amended by a vote of at least two thirds of the total Members of the General Assembly, on a regular or extraordinary meeting.

(2) The amendments can be proposed by any Member of Pirate Parties International at least four weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly in writing to the Board. The Board will send out the proposals to all Members at least one week before the meeting of the General Assembly.
Jack Allnuts(1) Amendments to the statutes must pass with a 3/4 majority in a vote of the Congress.
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