B.1. PP-EU Statutes final discussions and voting
1.Voting weights in Council:
2.Ordinary Members, rights of members from non-EU countries “Associates”:
3.Court of Arbitration:
4.Majorities (Change of Statutes, 2/3 of valid votes in the council):
5.Majorities (Change of Statutes, 2/3 of valid votes in the council):
6.Majorities, splitting of votes:
7.Board details: number of officers, election and proposal details:
Vote: The Board consists of one Chairperson, two Vice-chairpersons, one Treasurer, and up to five Board members.
8.Council details: number of persons, scope:
The council elects Board-Members.
Ordinary members propose candidates for the Board.
Only the Council decides about fundamental positions.
Council meetings: at least once a year, more often if necessary, online meetings of Board and Council are of course possible!
Voting result: Approved (9Y/0N/1A)
9.Membership fee:
Vote: Membership fee for PPEU membership is 300€ / year, plus adapted fees set by the council, multiplication by voting weight.Donations and/or other means should be part of the income side to cover the budget.
B.2. Discuss the statutes draft as a whole on practical issues and finalizing the PPEU manifesto
10. PPEU statutes committee
Vote: That we appoint a committee that will adapt the statutes draft in accordance with the decisions taken at this conference and which, in a transparent and inclusive method, will confer with all parties who've ratified the Paris declaration to see if they have any suggestions for further changes on topics not covered at this conference only and to see if there is a majority for any such change. If there is those changes should be incorporated into the final proposal that will be the text to be voted on at the next conference.
The committee shall also be responsible for answering any questions any party might have regarding the content or the effect of the statutes.
11. PPEU statutes committee
12. Finalising the PPEU Manifesto
The PPEU manifesto is accepted in the revised version.2)
C. Signing the letter of intent and preparation of the next conference
13. Letter of intent: the Warsaw Declaration:
To adopt the above text as the Warsaw Declaration and invite all European Pirate Parties, as understood by the statues draft, to sign it.3)
14. Signing the letter of intent
15. Discuss the next conference
16. Discuss the next conference
D. Miscellaneous