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Meeting X of the 9th PPEU board 12.09.2024, 18:30 CE(S)T/XX:XX UTC
Meeting is remote
Members of the Board
C: Florian Roussel
VC: Sara Hjalmarsson
VC: Marek Barbuš
TR: Alessandro Ciofini
BM: Giuseppe Calandra (cal)
BM: Jan Mareš
BM: Petra Kovačec
Standing invitations
Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer
Meeting opened at: 18:42
Meeting chaired by: Florian
Secretary for this meeting: decided under point 0.2
Participants: Marek, Florian, Cal, Alessandro, Sara,
Excused: Petra Kovačec
Not excused: Jan Mareš
Guests: Bastian, anders, Mattias Bjärnemalm
0. Formalities
0.1 Election of meeting chair
0.2 Election of meeting Secretary
0.3. Approval of the agenda
0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting:
0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings
0.6 Written reports
1. Decisions without discussions
1.1 Time and place for next board meeting
2. Decisions with discussions
2.1. Decisions related to the 17th Council meeting
2.1.1 Hybrid or entirely online meeting
2.1.2 First draft of the agenda for the meeting
3. Discussions without decisions
4. Any other business
4.1 Discussion of the short term time line (up to Council Meeting)
Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can, if needed, be discussed before point 1 of the agenda
The meeting is scheduled for a maximum of 60 minutes. It can be extended by consensus
0.1 Election of meeting chair
The meeting elected Florian as meeting chair
Confirm : Florian, cal, Sara,Marek
Alessandro abstains (driving)
0.2 Election of meeting Secretary
The meeting elected Cal as meeting secretary and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes in the pad
Confirm : Florian, cal, Sara,Marek
Alessandro abstains (driving)
0.3. Approval of the agenda:
Yes: Florian, Sara,Marek, cal
Abstain: Agenda
0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings
Yes: Florian, cal, Sara,Marek
Abstain: Alessandro
0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings
Any decisions taken by email, in mattermost or Discourse, or by any other means shall be listed below, including time and place for the decision. They shall be confirmed by a vote of the Board.
1st decision : approve Board Term plan and Structure
Yes: Florian, Sara, cal, Marek
Abstain: Alessandro
2nd decision : Reimbursing Florian and Mikulas going to Potsdam
Yes: Florian, Sara,Marek, cal
Abstain: Alessandro
0.6 Written reports
Any written reports or other updates that has been submitted before the start of the meeting shall be added here. Verbal reports given during the meeting go under 4.0 (AOB).
- trip to Czech Republic in August came out with a great result. I do have now a personal FIO Bank banking account linked to PPEU Bank account. I already tested and I was able to reimburse Florian and Mikulas expenses for Pirati (BTW Pirati already donate to PPEU the equivalent, so no expenses from PPEU)
- I have asked the board to express its opinion about Florian's reimbursement regarding his trip'to Germany in order to have a proper in person meeting to prepare new IT team (Mikulas participated as well). The board majority was in favour (Florian and I abstained) so I will reimburse both of them in the incoming days (total cost will be approx. 700 €), using the proper line of budget approved (Board extraordinary expenses), that is 1000 € for 2024 and we've never used before
- I am preparing a “call for meeting” for all PPs Treasurer to be hold before next Council Meeting in Novembre (hopefully in presence in Prague next Nov. 23th-24th) as introductory report before the 2024 and 2025 budgets, including a broadly discussion about new funding methods and platforms and membership fees for 2025
Mattias Bjärnemalm
I went to Iceland and met with the Icelandic Pirate Party on August 29-31. They had planned a conference for Pirate Parliamentarians from across Europe on the 31st, but it got cancelled two weeks before, due to low attendance.
- They are hoping to do another try at organzing a Pirate Parliamentary conference in the spring 2026.
- They will have elections at the latest in September 2025, but most likely in May that year. They will look into setting up a system for pirates to go there to volunteer during the elections.
- One of their MPs, Björn Leví Gunnarsson, is considering running for one of the two empty European Pirate Party board positions that will be filled in November.
- I advised them to try to set up some bilateral collaboration with Alternativet in Denmark (who has 5 members in the Danish Parliament), as a way of strengthening the PPEU links to that party.
1. Decisions without discussions
1.1 Time and place for next board meeting
Thursday 17th of October - Board meeting
Yes : Florian, cal, Marek, Sara
No :
Abstain : Alessandro
2. Decisions with discussions
2.1. Decisions related to the 17th Council meeting
2.1.1 Hybrid or entirely online meeting
Countries that has applied to host the meeting: PPCZ applied on 11/09/2024 by sending a message to the PPEU Board through Marek
We accept the application : the 17th PPEU Council Meeting will happen in hybrid form in Prague on the 23rd and 24th of November 2024.
Yes : Florian, cal, Sara, Marek\ \
No :
Abstain : Alessandro
Alessandro is appointed as contact person inside the board for the organizing of the 17th Council Meeting
Yes : Sara, Florian, cal, Marek
No :
Abstain : Alessandro
Mab should help Marek draft the texts that we should put on the Discourse and wiki, and send to the ppeu email list, on monday or tuesday next week.
Yes : Florian, Sara, cal,Marek
No :
Abstain : Alessandro
Sara and Florian are available to help.
Mab point out that depending on interest the venue might be too small.
2.1.2 First draft of the agenda for the meeting
Confirmed item is the election of two board members whose nominations must be submitted before the 23rd of October 00:00 CEST (day change between 22nd and 23rd of October).
Florian and mab will work on the draft and submit to the board for asynchronous review and eventually voting.
Yes : Alessandro, Florian, Sara, Marek, cal
No :
Abstain :
3. Discussions without decisions
4. AOB
4.1 Discussion of the short term time line (up to Council Meeting)
Organizing the Council Meeting
Formalize the action
Detailing the structure and associated recruiting
Misc / Low priotity :
Council Meeting RoP
Project with associated budget (IT, Socials, Identity)
Meeting closed at: 19:44 CE(S)T
Next meeting: Oct 17th, 18:30 CE(S)T