Meeting 7 of the 7th PPEU board 7.9.2022, 21:00 CEST/19:00 UTC
Members of the Board
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)
BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)
Meeting opened at: 21:15 CEST
Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro (Mab?)
Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/wGcgAQS5YfbeERA
Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting7
RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021
TR: Sebastian Krone
C: Mikuláš Peksa
VC: Florie Marie
VC: Alessandro Ciofini
BM: Petr Kocourek
BM: Cedric Levieux
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
Not excused:
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)
Mattias Bjärnemalm
Joseph Onoroski, USPP & MAPP Representative
0.1. Approval of the agenda
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
1. Council meeting
2. AOB
3. Next meeting / schedule
60 minutes max. as meeting time
0.1. Approval of the agenda:
Yes: Alessandro, Mikuláš, Cédric, Petr, Florie, Jan
Abstain: Bastian
Agenda is approved.
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Yes: Cédric, Florie, Petr, Mikuláš, Alessandro
Abstain: Bastian
1. Council meeting
We are progressing on the preparations.
Mab: Alessandro will be the main responsible for the visitor group (Sept. 16th), Bastian will be the responsible for the tech stuff for the CM (Sept. 17th) and I can help with everything else.
It will be a mixed meeting (onsite and online) and we will interact with remote delegates or guests too.
There is already an agenda for the meeting in the Wiki (https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=11th_council_meeting_2022).
We need also to prepare a form for attendees of CM (both delegates and guests).
Bastian: I'm concerned that the CM will have a lack of participation.
Mikuláš: we need to discuss both things, EU visitors group and CM.
Checklist for Council Meetings: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/aQnpnptPBiRxLTE
Format of the meeting: Mab suggests to give Bastian mandate to organise the whole tech needs and Mab will help me.
Bastian will suggest to have Jitsi session both for live and remote participants.
Mikuláš: what's the status of membership fees?
Discourse production instance will be provided this weekend
There is also a draft version of the agenda to be approved https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=draft_agenda
Before that, we will have this pre-event https://nextcloud.pp-eu.eu/index.php/s/gZT2RyJrFcExjZr
Yes: Alessandro, Petr, Mikuláš, Bastian, Jan, Florie, Cedric
Motion passed.
2. AOB
Report of the Treasurer Sebastian Krone:
Technical support
Work on the PPEU Wiki
Work on the PPEU website
Maintenance of the server
I have been trying to figure out what technology is needed for the Council Meeting. Unfortunately, there were no preparatory meetings to which I was invited.
Treasurer’s business
Bank account:14,195.22 EUR
What is the next step for the bank power of attorney?
Mikuláš is tabling another application, because the first one failed.
What is the status of the registration in Luxembourg?
Same as before-
What about the tax return in Luxembourg? We are an NGO, so the answer is no.
Is there any news about the start of the development of the Common European Election Program (CEEP) 2024?
Mikuláš reports that we need to create the db contacts: it will start with the next CM.
Are there considerations about transnational lists?
No. If they approve the transnational list we as the board should table a proposal for the future CM in November.
Mab reports that the process is all but certain not to be finalised on time for next 2024 elections.
There are rumours that the International Coordination Team (IK) of the Pirate Party Germany wants to disrupt or prevent the CEEP 2024. I deny this explicitly on behalf of the IK.
Mikuláš strongly believe that everyone should be able to participate to the CEEP24, but none is allowed to disrupt it.
Report of Cedric:
I wrote few questions for our pirate Parties as we discussed in the past, in the discourse (board section) : https://discourse-test.european-pirateparty.eu/t/questions-to-the-parties/72
Meeting closed at 23:12 CEST / 21:12 UTC
Next meeting: annouce via email