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Code of Conduct Council

The Code of Conduct Council was established during the 5^th Council Meeting1) to uphold the European Pirate Party's Code of Conduct Manifesto, voted at the same Council Meeting2).

How to contact the CoCC

The CoCC can be reached at cocc (at)

If you need to file a complaint, please remember to specify the following information:

  • what you need to report;
  • where it happened;
  • when it happened (or a range of time if not a single episode);
  • who was involved;
  • what is the outcome you expect from the CoCC's investigation (mediation, general recommendation).

Please provide contact information and eventually any documentation you deem relevant to the case.

You may take a look at the Rules of Procedure below to see how the CoCC handles cases.

Code of Conduct Manifesto

Respect for Diversity & Inclusion

We avoid comments, actions or propaganda that encourages discrimination related to gender, gender expression, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, sexual characteristics, physical appearance, disability, or age.

Respect Freedom of Expression

We support an individual's freedom of expression and will strive to better understand each other by not assuming experiences or beliefs, clarifying meanings, and making an effort to speak clearly, avoiding jargon and acronyms.

Commitment to Non-Violence

We will not engage in any type of violence or aggression, including verbal threats or complaints, intimidation, stalking or harassment, whether physically or psychologically.

Rejection of Sexual Harassment

We understand sexual harassment as unwanted physical contact or insinuation of a sexual nature, as well as displaying images, drawings or visual representations of any kind that objectify members of any gender or reinforce oppression.

Respect for Privacy

Safeguard the privacy of members, individuals and participants in PPEU events, and agree to follow the Code of Conduct as well as the CoC Council's recommendations.

Facilitate Participation & Collaboration

We work to create an environment that facilitates participation for all participants, and that session presenters are given respect. We will not engage in sustained disruption of sessions or events, interrupt conversations in a way that negatively impacts collaboration, or engage in toxic behaviors to attract negative attention to an attendee.

We Care about the Integrity and Health of the Community

We value the health of the community and will not engage in behavior that can negatively impact it.

Support Positive Interactions Among members

We are committed to engaging constructively with others at all times. We will not tolerate bullying, including requesting or mobilizing others, either in person or online, to bully others.



Members elected at the Eighteenth Council Meeting:

  • Andrea D'Agostino


Members elected at the Fifteenth Council Meeting:

  • tba.
  • tba.
  • tba,


Members elected at the Twelfth Council Meeting:

  • Vincent Douroux
  • Saira Sadloe
  • Petr Kocourek


Members elected at the Eleventh Council Meeting:

  • Saira Sadloe
  • Marco Confalonieri




Members elected at the Seventh Council Meeting:

  • Etienne Evellin
  • Arndís Anna Kristínardóttir Gunnarsdóttir (resigned June, 1st 2021)
  • Marco Confalonieri


Members elected at the Fifth Council Meeting:

  • Linda B. Tørklep
  • Unnar Þór Sæmundsson
  • Marco Confalonieri


Reports and declarations

General investigation on harassment within the Pirate Community (2021)

CoCC meetings

Rules of Procedure

About the CoCC

Legal mandate:

Art. 20a of the Statute of the European Pirate Party (PPEU)
  • (1) Elections to the Code of Conduct Council are to be held at the same time as the PPEU board. 3 individuals are to be elected to the Code of Conduct Council. The appointment of the Council shall be done at a PPEU council meeting.
  • (2) The Code of Conduct Council has mediation and assistance in the event of disagreement, conflict or communication as well as other matters relating to the conduct of the PPEU and its members.
  • (3) The Code of Conduct Council is independent in its work.
  • (4) Pirate affiliates, PPEU board and individual members can refer cases to the Code of Conduct council and the Code of Conduct Council can also take action on their own initiative.
  • (5) The Code of Conduct Council makes recommendations and decisions that it recommends the PPEU board to execute.
  • (6) Upon choosing members of the Code of Conduct Council, special competence in human relations, independent working methods and general trust among members of the PPEU should be assessed. It is desirable that they have previously held confidential positions within their party or PPEU. Members of the Code of Conduct Council shall not perform any other held positions for the PPEU while they are members of the Code of Conduct Council.
  • (7) The appointment of a member of the Code of Conduct Council is in keeping with the appointment time of the PPEU board.

1. Scope of responsibility

  • a. Issues addressed by the CoCC:
    • harassment, communication problems, personal disagreement or a conflict of interest involving a member of the PPEU community (members, volunteers, etc.)
    • in any communication or interaction between individuals in the PPEU community.

2. General Principles

  • a. Confidentiality:
    • i. CoCC members are bound by a strict rule of confidentiality. Individual matters shall only be discussed outside CoCC meetings or with anyone outside the Council with the explicit written consent or at the request of the relevant individual(s).
    • ii. Meeting notes of the CoCC shall be in general terms and without any mentioning of personal information or other information which may render an individual directly or indirectly identifiable. The meeting notes shall be made public to ensure transparency of the work of the Council.
    • iii. All documents and other material relating to the work of the CoCC shall be securely handled and held only between CoCC members and deleted after a report has been finalized.
  • b. Majority of vote
    • i. The quorum for a meeting of the Council is two members.
    • ii. If an agreement cannot be reached between all three members of the Council, a decision shall be made by the vote of two members. A vote shall be stated in the Council meeting notes.
  • c. Constructive approach
    • All reports and recommendations by the Council shall be drafted with a constructive and solution-oriented approach.

3. Meetings of the CoCC

  • Meetings of the CoCC shall be held upon request by a CoCC member, i.e. to discuss a possible own-initiative inquiry, and upon need to address a complaint.
  • The CoCC shall meet with the representative of the board as necessary to keep the board updated on the work of the Council.

4. Complaints procedure

  • a. A first contact is be established by email
    • i. The email is replied with a standard reply explaining the procedure and the possible outcome
    • ii. The complainant is invited to an interview with the CoCC
    • iii. In a scenario where the CoCC wants to interview the person, it might receive their consent and propose that they might be interviewed by only one of the member of the council.
  • b. An interview is conducted by one or more members of the CoCC. In this case the interview should be recorded for the other members of the CoCC to acquaint themselves with the complaint and the facts of the case as described by the complainant, depending on the nature of the issue and wishes of the complainant
  • c. The CoCC identifies the issue at hand and makes a decision to deal with the request by one out of three options:
    • i. proposing mediation,
    • ii. issuing a report on the matter, to be submitted to the Council and the BoardCouncil and the Board,
    • iii. closing the case without further inquiry justified by a motivated decision.
  • d. Mediation
    • i. If the matter regards a conflict between two or more individuals, attempts for mediation can be conducted by the CoCC, with the approval of all parties to the dispute.
  • e. Report
    • i. All complaints and issues examined by the board shall end with a report, stating the matter at hand and the proposed solution.
    • ii. The report should state the complaint, describe the investigation of the CoCC, the outcome of the investigation and the proposed action, if any.
    • iii. All suggestions and conclusions shall be presented in a positive and constructive manner, with the interests of everyone involved in mind.
  • f. Case closed
    • i. A case is formally closed when a report has been written and approved by the meeting of the CoCC.

5. Own-initiative inquiry

  • a. The CoCC can decide by a simple majority to inquire at it’s own initiative into an issue which may need to be addressed on a general basis.
Please see Statutes Amendments, Motion 12
Please see Other Items, Motion 3
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2025/03/03 10:03 by alessandro